
Simplify app localization with AutoLocalizer. Seamlessly translate your app’s strings into multiple languages by simply uploading your Strings catalog (xcstrings file).

⚠️ A Note on Safe Usage

AutoLocalizer relies on AI. Translations are not guaranteed to be accurate due to the potential for hallucinations or lack of support for the specified language. You must verify the accuracy of all translations yourself.

How It Works

  1. Upload Your Strings Catalog
  2. Choose Your Languages: Select the languages you want to translate your strings into.
  3. AutoLocalizer uses Large Language Models to generate accurate translations for your app’s strings.

Using a Language Model allows for superior translation quality as opposed to regular machine translation tools. LLMs are more capable of understanding the context associated with translations, and even make use of the comments you’ve added to your Strings, thereby minimizing translation errors.

System Requirements

Please ensure your system has a minimum of 4.5GB of both memory and storage available.


AutoLocalizer runs locally on your Mac. I collect no data, and no data leaves your device. Internet access is required only to download the translation LLM on first use.


AutoLocalizer is powered by Mistral 7B, a model that has exhibited good multilingual capabilities (despite not actively being trained as such), and runs on Apple’s MLX framework.